When the world is pitch black, we are all equal. For this video, we wanted to combine different cinematic techniques to tell the story of an extra-terrestrial nightmare turning into a haunting reality during a total eclipse. The end result is a post-apocalyptic, short...
Hemisphere is a rap song strongly reminiscent of the early 90s hip hop music. It is a twofold semantic homage to Nas – The World is Yours and Nas – Halftime (one of which was produced by Large Professor, who also produced this song) and a reference to...
“Genesi2” is McGyver’s creative sequel to G:nesis (2019). In this video, we recreated the oxymoronic, paradoxical juxtapositions of life and death. Endings and beginnings. Whereas G:nesis pictured the rise and fall of an artist (in the boxing ring...
For the non-compromise rap video ‘Ruffneck’, I worked with McGyver. He is a bilingual rapper, beatmaker and DJ from Canada / Netherlands, internationally known for his 5th place at World Freestyle Championships EOW Prague 2017 and being the first ever...
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